Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I hear thunder...

It has been so incredibly hot the past week or more, but today we had a most magnificent thunderstorm - I don't think I've ever heard thunder like it! There was nothing to do except kick back and watch nature put on a show....


  1. Hi Tina, thanks for visiting my blog the other day~
    I like the umbrella you have hanging there on your porch.
    I'm adding you to my list of blogs to follow. I look forward to reading more~


  2. My mother, who lives in Oz, always gets excited like a child when it rains. I don't like the heat very much but at this very moment I am rather tired of cold and snow...shall we swap?

  3. Hello you lovely girls...thankyou for stopping by. I'm new to all of this, but I am having fun. Keke, I love that umbrella hanging night, the light shines through it and it looks so magical...Papillon Bleu, it has been SO hot here, but a couple of days ago we had a monster storm - the thunder was so loud, and it got all dark, so I lay on my bed with the doors open, and enjoyed the show...


"We are each of us angels with only one wing...and we can fly only be embracing each other." Thankyou for taking the time to visit. Please leave me a comment, as I love to read them x