Sunday, February 07, 2010

Wedding Bells

We had a lovely weekend...first there was a delightful wedding. Very young neighbours of ours walked down the aisle to "You've got a friend in me," the Disney classic. My photos in the church were not great, but you get the idea...

I just love dressing up, and I adore a wedding...always get a bit you know, my husband and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary just a couple of weeks ago...we had a wonderful time.

We drove to a magical seaside town called Sorrento, where I met the beautiful Jo from Old Flowers 4 Me...she is a divine girl and I so loved meeting her. I have been visiting her blog for a couple of years now, and she is such an inspiration...she suprised me with some gifts...

After coffee with Jo, we caught the ferry across the bay to another gorgeous town called Queenscliff, where we stayed in a beautiful old hotel called the Vue Grande...our daughter Abby came with us, and we enjoyed a lovely dinner, before retiring to our little room, where we awoke to the smells of a yummy breakfast in the decadent dining room...I was truly spoiled...

Abby felt like The Little Princess coming down these stairs, and then thought the arched doorways reminded her of Alice In Wonderland...

Here is a picture of us on our wedding day...where has the time gone? (Ian has hair, ha ha)

1 comment:

"We are each of us angels with only one wing...and we can fly only be embracing each other." Thankyou for taking the time to visit. Please leave me a comment, as I love to read them x