Thursday, January 20, 2011

Marvellous Moondance

Home-made pizza - yum...and a summers day by the pool...and then...

 Won't you join Pip and me under the full moon tonight? I am feeling very about you? Would you like some tea in the midnight garden under the fairy lights? Perhaps you would like to sit a while on my garden swing?
Don't be shy - join me in a moondance....don't forget your wings....
 Pip, you do look sweet in your lace...don't worry, it's just the kookaburras and the possums you can hear - they are helping us celebrate...tonight is a special night - my love and I have been married for 21 years...

Would you like some chocolate cake?


  1. Congratulations on your anniversary! Hope you can wait a bit while I go get my wings! Wouldn't dream of missing a piece of that cake and the chance to sit on your swing and celebrate the moon and the night. Beautiful, as always XO

  2. Happy Happy Anniversary!!! We are on the same wave length today with the moon, but I would much prefer that it was spring here, not winter. I must say, it was ever so kind of you to pass on your fabulous legs gene to your daughter! No wonder you've been married so long! **kisskiss** Deb

  3. Yay Tina..I am dancing right with you..what a super magical post!! Congrats to you and your awesome! Gorgeous photos..enchanting and mystically inspiring...shine on Magical Moon Goddess!
    Hugs and sparkles

  4. Blessings on you & your sweetheart :D

  5. Happy Anniversary my friend! I am so tickled as I sat down with my basil goat cheese pizza and took my first bite as I opened your blog and there was YOUR pizza! Kindred spirits indeed! How I would have loved to have joined you under the full moon!.....what a divine evening...and Pip looked so darn handsome!!! Happy day to you!

  6. Congratulations on your anniversary! Hurray for you both. What a fantastic way to celebrate - dancing in the moonlight and feasting upon chocolate cake with raspberries. And, of course, pizza!!!! Many more happy years to you both! Theresa

  7. Happy Anniversary. The moon has been so beautiful this week. I know this because I have been driving to work in the dark and home again in the dark with the moon as a lovely companion! Here's to the next 21 years with your lovely man!

  8. Happy Anniversary, Tina! May you both enjoy many more blissful years!! May your journey together be a story full of wondrous adventures!

    P.S. Would love to have a Moondance! Sounds fabulous! :)) Wishing you a weekend surrounded in peace and joy. Hugs, P.

  9. Happy Anniversary!! What a wonderful way to spend your anniversary.....dancing under a Full Moon!!! How enchanting and magical!!

  10. Happy Anniversary! What fun. Everything was beautiful, and I had to run outside and dance under the moon as well. Sending you magical moon vibes upon fast fairy wings your way.
    Whimsy and Wishes
    Wendy from Wonderland


"We are each of us angels with only one wing...and we can fly only be embracing each other." Thankyou for taking the time to visit. Please leave me a comment, as I love to read them x