Happy Friday everyone! I have still been managing to escape to my new craftroom to do some sewing - oh man, I love just going in there when the urge strikes...no more unpacking the sewing machine and setting it all up - gotta love that. Anyway, here's the little slip I finished embellishing. I used one of my vintage images printed onto transfer paper and then ironed onto calico...I sewed this onto my dyed slip and added a trim and some pretty roses - voila! It's still freezing here so I am showing you with a pair of jeans and a pink cardigan I snaffled for $2 from the op shop - bargain! And check out my rosemary...covered in pretty blue flowers. I love coming down here and picking some to throw in with my slow cooker lamb - just perfect for these cold nights.

Can you see the kid's tree-house they made when we first moved here? It's kind of falling down now...

I took mum out for lunch today...thankyou all for your kind wishes - she is feeling much better. I know we probably shouldn't have, but we shared this quince and

frangipane tart - yummy!

It's incredible really...since doing my Art Therapy course I feel like I have been kick-started and the creative ideas are flowing again. I was stagnant for a long time, but now I even lie awake at night thinking of what I may create next...it's a good feeling. I don't know, but I think maybe I lost myself for a while there...it feels good to be coming out of the fog.
Sometimes I question why I am even sharing this stuff, but it's weird...I just really enjoy taking photos and expressing myself here. It seems so overwhelming at times - there are so many blogs out there, and it's a very dangerous thing sometimes to compare what everyone else is doing. But then I remind myself that this is my little corner, to post about whatever I like...people can choose to read it or not, and that's perfectly ok. And if they don't like it, well that's ok too.
Hmmmm, sorry guys, got a bit deep and meaningful there - I tend to do that a times...oh, to be a dog and just exist in the 'now'. (Pip meditating below).
I hope everyone has a magical weekend x